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About Us
Women Holding Hands


Single Sex Prisons WA was founded on November 26th, 2020 after the WA Department of Justice announced the implementation of a policy which removed sex-segregation provisions from within WA penal facilities.


SSPWA formed into Single Sex Prisons Australia (SSPA) in August 2022 to address all policies and legislation which remove sex-segregation from within Australian penal facilities.

SSPA is a coalition of political lobbyists, researchers, analysts, legal experts, community figures, ex-incarcerated females, activists, campaigners and concerned Australian residents.

Our Principles

1. SSPA maintains that prisons, jails and other penal facilities in Australia must be segregated by biological sex.

2. SSPA does not object to provisions for improving the welfare of at-risk prisoners and detainees to the extent that those provisions do not compromise sex-segregation within Australian penal facilities.

3. SSPA maintains that biological sex and “gender identity” should not be conflated, particularly in regards to legislation, policies and other formal, legal and official documentation.

Image by Marco Chilese
Our Principles
Image by J. Kelly Brito

The Review

We undertook an extensive review of  new WA Corrections policy COPP 4.6 and have since published our full review, "Commissioner’s Operating Policy and Procedure (COPP) 4.6
Trans, Gender Diverse and Intersex Prisoners: Review, Report and

We identified 83 key issues. There are over 250 secondary issues in addition to the 83 key issues that were identified.
The provisions on placement of “trans,” “non-binary” and intersex prisoners effectively serves to remove sex-segregation from the WA prison/penal system on the basis of self-identification.

The Review
the Single Sex Prisons Australia logo with SSPA written underneath in purple text

© 2023 by Single Sex Prisons Australia

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