Global prison protests are planned for March 6th - March 8th in the lead up to International Women's Day.
Protests are planned in Canada, the UK, several states in the US and numerous other countries.
Women across the world are coming together to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Get men out of women's jails and prisons!
Media statement -
To join in:
You can register for Feminist Question Time and join women from all over the world in a female-only discussion after FQT to discuss details of the protests.
You can take a selfie with a sign/banner/shirt in front of or near a local jail or prison (or a courthouse or a Ministers office etc.) and send your photos/video to the contact information listed on the INIGW website here - .
Slogans being used are:
Keep prisons single sex
Get men out of women's prisons!
Get males out of women's jails!
Single sex prisons!
Men cannot be women!