If you would like to take action that is effective and much needed to support advocates for the rights of women prisoners, please consider attempting to retrieve data from Corrections/Correctional/Corrective Services Departments.
Step 1 - Visit the website of the Department you want to retrieve data from.
Step 2 - Find the web page which discusses Freedom of Information (FOI) or Right to Information (RTI) form. (Example: https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/your-rights/freedom-of-information)
Step 3 - Download or print the FOI/RTI form.
Step 4 - In the spaces provided on the form, write/type to request the following:
Prisoner population by financial year 2013-14 to 2018-19 by facility type (male/female), sex (status at birth) and gender (transsexual and transgender)
[For states where self ID laws exist there may need to be further granulation to request those who state transgender status with/without undertaking processes and altering documents.]
Prisoner population as at 30 June each year by facility type (male/female), sex, identified transgender status and most serious offence/charge as per ABS Standard Classification of Offences.
Step 5 - Pay the required fee and send out the FOI/RTI.
If you have any questions, please contact Steph Hughes from Fair Go for Queensland Women via email - fairgoforqldwomen@gmail.com
If you are able to retrieve data, please send the information to Single Sex Prisons (singlesexprisonswa@yahoo.com) or to Steph Hughes.
We appreciate you supporting our efforts.